The Career Success Pyramid

(Values + Strengths + Skills + Personality) x Behaviour = Career Success

As a consultant, recruiter, cognitive behavioural coach, and mentor, having observed and experienced career success in numerous forms;  I’ve created the Career Success Pyramid to describe my understanding of the key elements needed for career success. This model underpins my approach to career coaching starting with..

As a strong foundation – VALUES – the concepts & principles  that are most important to us, that form our personal – professional philosophy and provide our motivation and direction.

We learn SKILLS and use these, along with the particular  STRENGTHS inherent in our character, working and thinking styles, and our PERSONALITY  to facilitate the delivery of our career roles in our own individual way.

Our careers consist of the ROLES (and our future role GOALS) we undertake and the work we do. If these are aligned with our values, and we optimise our skills, strengths, and personality traits, we will be effective in these roles, find fulfilment and enjoy career success.

Our BEHAVIOUR  – what the world sees, and how we experience ourselves – is what makes this all happen.